The Sang’ida Foundation – 2023 Beyond The Conversation 10Km Walk
Walk theme:
“Beyond the Conversation with Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).”
As we launch our theme for 2023, we are reminded that it is time to🚶♀️🚶♂️ step into action on Saturday August 19th! Our charity walk goes #BeyondTheConversation, aiming to create awareness and foster inclusivity for Persons with Disabilities.
Our goal is to celebrate the diversity and resilience of Persons with Disabilities. By walking together, we promote inclusion, break barriers, and create a society where everyone can thrive. Register now and be part of this inspiring event! 💙👟🌈 #BeyondTheConversation #TouchForChange #PWDsCharityWalk #SangidaFoundation .
Jacinta Silakan
Founder & Director, The Sang’ida Foundation.
The Sang’ida Foundation advocates for inclusion of Persons With Disabilities in important Developental Disabilities Awareness and Creation of Change. After important conversations about awareness, inclusion and barriers to inclusion have taken place, what comes next? What actions are we taking? What are communities doing to create change? The time for talking is over; now it is time for us to act to create this change.
To support us and this cause, register to take part in our 2023 Touch for Change 10Km Walk For Inclusion of PWDs in #BeyondTheConversation.
WALK DATE: Saturday, 19th August 2023
FLAG OFF: @Cedar Mall Nanyuki TIME: 8AM
To Register for the Walk: Buy our #BeyondTheConversation Merchandise which includes: T-shirts @1000/-, Caps @500/- and Car Stickers @1000/-

Follow our social media pages for Route Map and additional information. Also feel free to share our campaign material with the following hash-tags:
#BeyondTheConversation #TouchForChange #AutismAcceptance #LoveForPWDs
Funds raised through this Charity Walk will be put towards specialized health care, specialized education and specialized care for Children with Disabilities (CWDs) at the Sang’ida Foundation Children’s Home.