WARM – UP: 7.30AM FLAG OFF TIME: 8.00AM FLAG OFF VENUE: Cedar Mall Nanyuki


To register, buy a t-shirt plus any other merchandise with the hash tag #ClimateActionwithPWDs and complete the form below for details on collection.

NOTE: Merchandise will be available for collection every Saturday and the last Friday before the Walk. Location and contact information to be included in the receipt of payment notification.

Terms & Conditions Apply.
Include the phone number used to pay for merchandise. (To be used for collection of goods bought.)


  1. How do I make a Cash Donation?
  2. How to make other kind of Donation?
  3. Where do I collect the merchandise for the 2020 Walk?
  4. Can I bring my child?
  5. How do I sponsor the 2020 10K Walk?
Frequently Asked Questions Extended
  1. To make a Cash Donation, kindly Go to your Lipa Na M-pesa Menu and use the Pay Bill Number 222111 and Account Number 064000071903 and then Enter the Amount you wish to donate.
  2. Other Kind of Donations such as, food stuffs, utilities, clothes e.t.c. can be channeled through our Children’s Home in Nanyuki.
  3. To Collect merchandise after payment and registration form submission, you will be contacted (via contacts submitted) by our activation team with details on the next delivery schedule.
  4. To Download the route map for the Walk, kindly follow our social media page.